{{{{May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And rains fall soft upon you fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand}}}}
~An Irish Blessing~
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face
And rains fall soft upon you fields
And until we meet again
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand}}}}
~An Irish Blessing~
The surname RICE is common in Leinster and Munster but is most numerous in Ulster, where its main centres are in counties Antrim and Armagh. The name is Welsh in origin and was previously RHYS, which means 'ardour', and many in Ulster will be of Welsh stock. However, the Oriel name O'Maolchraoibhe (from crahbh, meaning 'branch) was also for some unknown reason widely anglicised as RICE, as well as, more understandably MULCREEVY, MULGREWE and GREW. Most of the RICES of County Armagh will be of this origin.
My RICE family came from the North of Ireland. The first RICE that I know about is Patrick RICE who was born in 1862 in Ireland and died in 1933. He married Mary HAGGEN. Mary, born in September 1870 in Ireland, came to Newark, NJ when she was 3yrs old in 1873. Mary died in 1925. Patrick came to the states in 1887 when he was 25yrs old and married Mary in 1888 when he was 26 and she was 18. These are my great grandparents. "Click" here to see Mary Hagen Rice
The surname HAGGEN comes from Ulster except for a few from County Louth. They are particularly from Armagh and Down. It is one of the names with which the O' prefix has been increasingly resumed during the twentieth century.
The name is in Gaelic O'Hagain, originally O'Hagan, from og, 'young'. The O'HAGANS and the O'QUINS were of the Clann Feargusa, descendants of Fergus, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages.The O'HAGANS were based at Tullahogue in County Tyrone, and there they had the hereditary right of inaugurating O'NEILL as King of Ulster. They were also hereditary brehons to O'NEILL. Branches settled in and controlled large tracts of land in counties Armagh and Monaghan. The most famous of the Armagh was Ivor O'HAGAN, tutor to St. Malachy, c. 1100.
Very many of the O'HAGANS were with O'NEILL at the Battle of Kinsale in 1603 and the family suffered much in the dispossessions that followed. Some of them became rapparees and two were hanged as such at Carrick-fergus, Country Antrim. Mary O'HAGAN, 1823-76, who founded the convent of Poor Clares, was born in Ulster.
The name O'Aodhagain, 'descendant of Aodhagan', a pet form of Aodh or Hugh, was also anglicised as O'HAGAN. This sept was of Oriel but is now indistinguishable from the Tyrone O'HAGANS.
O'HAGAN has been made HAGAN, HAGANS, HAGGENS, HAGHEN, HEGAN, HIGGINS, and HOGGAN, and some may have further anglicised to AIKEN. The name O'HOGAN is of the same derivation but not the same origin as O'HAGAN.
In the 1900 census, the RICES were living in Newark, NJ. They had been married for 12yrs. which means they were married in 1888. They already had 6 living children. One had died. These children were;Margaret (Auntie Maggie), born August 10 1889 who died 1942. Her twin sister did not survive. William J. (Uncle Bill), born February 1892; Hugh (Uncle Hughie) , October 1893; Elizabeth (Lizzie), April 14, 1896 (my grandma);Elizabeth (Lizzie) died before her 33rd birthday. She died January 13, 1929 from a stroke;
(Auntie Annie) was born February 1898 and James (Uncle Jimmy) who was born August 1899 and died March 16, 1935 from damage caused by mustard gas from WWI. Mary was born 1903 and died April 20, 1957 at the age of 54.
William RICE was Patrick's brother and he came from Ireland and was living with them in the 1900 census. William was born in 1871. He had a brother, James RICE too. They lived at 45 Stone St.in Newark, NJ.
Margaret RICE married John Henry (Harry) COLVIN. They had daughters, Eileen, Helen, Bess and Edith. Their sons were Frank, James and John who died at age 2 from pneumonia. Edith married George GAAL and had George born December 30, 1948; Stephen born July 18, 1952; Eileen born December 24, 1957 and James born October 29, 1960.
Eileen married Joseph (Rube) (may have been Rubin) MARKOVITCH and they had Katherine, Joseph and Bruce. Katherine married a man named REGINATA.
Hugh married a woman named Lydia. They did not have children.
William married Mae COCKRAN and they had William, Helen and Donald.
Next was Annie.
Then, Mary, who married John ROYAL. They had a son Robert (Bobby) who died at a young age. Their second son was John ROYAL, who married Stella BNSKI May 6, 1961. Stella was born February 20, 1924 in Newark in NJ. John was born July 26, 1926 and died in Haines City, Florida on April 19, 1991. His sister, Mary (Mae) (deceased) married Biagio (Joseph) MESSINEO (Brassi) who died in 1996. There were no children but they raised 4 foster children.
"Click" here for Rice Family Pictures
"Click" here for Grandpa's Family
Lizzie, my gran, married Thomas CORBETT from Newfoundland, Canada in 1913. His parents were Patrick CORBETT from Chapel's Cove, NFLD and Johanna COSTIGAN from Harbour Main, NFLD.
My RICE family came from the North of Ireland. The first RICE that I know about is Patrick RICE who was born in 1862 in Ireland and died in 1933. He married Mary HAGGEN. Mary, born in September 1870 in Ireland, came to Newark, NJ when she was 3yrs old in 1873. Mary died in 1925. Patrick came to the states in 1887 when he was 25yrs old and married Mary in 1888 when he was 26 and she was 18. These are my great grandparents. "Click" here to see Mary Hagen Rice
The surname HAGGEN comes from Ulster except for a few from County Louth. They are particularly from Armagh and Down. It is one of the names with which the O' prefix has been increasingly resumed during the twentieth century.
The name is in Gaelic O'Hagain, originally O'Hagan, from og, 'young'. The O'HAGANS and the O'QUINS were of the Clann Feargusa, descendants of Fergus, son of Eoghan, son of Niall of the Nine Hostages.The O'HAGANS were based at Tullahogue in County Tyrone, and there they had the hereditary right of inaugurating O'NEILL as King of Ulster. They were also hereditary brehons to O'NEILL. Branches settled in and controlled large tracts of land in counties Armagh and Monaghan. The most famous of the Armagh was Ivor O'HAGAN, tutor to St. Malachy, c. 1100.
Very many of the O'HAGANS were with O'NEILL at the Battle of Kinsale in 1603 and the family suffered much in the dispossessions that followed. Some of them became rapparees and two were hanged as such at Carrick-fergus, Country Antrim. Mary O'HAGAN, 1823-76, who founded the convent of Poor Clares, was born in Ulster.
The name O'Aodhagain, 'descendant of Aodhagan', a pet form of Aodh or Hugh, was also anglicised as O'HAGAN. This sept was of Oriel but is now indistinguishable from the Tyrone O'HAGANS.
O'HAGAN has been made HAGAN, HAGANS, HAGGENS, HAGHEN, HEGAN, HIGGINS, and HOGGAN, and some may have further anglicised to AIKEN. The name O'HOGAN is of the same derivation but not the same origin as O'HAGAN.
In the 1900 census, the RICES were living in Newark, NJ. They had been married for 12yrs. which means they were married in 1888. They already had 6 living children. One had died. These children were;Margaret (Auntie Maggie), born August 10 1889 who died 1942. Her twin sister did not survive. William J. (Uncle Bill), born February 1892; Hugh (Uncle Hughie) , October 1893; Elizabeth (Lizzie), April 14, 1896 (my grandma);Elizabeth (Lizzie) died before her 33rd birthday. She died January 13, 1929 from a stroke;
(Auntie Annie) was born February 1898 and James (Uncle Jimmy) who was born August 1899 and died March 16, 1935 from damage caused by mustard gas from WWI. Mary was born 1903 and died April 20, 1957 at the age of 54.
William RICE was Patrick's brother and he came from Ireland and was living with them in the 1900 census. William was born in 1871. He had a brother, James RICE too. They lived at 45 Stone St.in Newark, NJ.
Margaret RICE married John Henry (Harry) COLVIN. They had daughters, Eileen, Helen, Bess and Edith. Their sons were Frank, James and John who died at age 2 from pneumonia. Edith married George GAAL and had George born December 30, 1948; Stephen born July 18, 1952; Eileen born December 24, 1957 and James born October 29, 1960.
Eileen married Joseph (Rube) (may have been Rubin) MARKOVITCH and they had Katherine, Joseph and Bruce. Katherine married a man named REGINATA.
Hugh married a woman named Lydia. They did not have children.
William married Mae COCKRAN and they had William, Helen and Donald.
Next was Annie.
Then, Mary, who married John ROYAL. They had a son Robert (Bobby) who died at a young age. Their second son was John ROYAL, who married Stella BNSKI May 6, 1961. Stella was born February 20, 1924 in Newark in NJ. John was born July 26, 1926 and died in Haines City, Florida on April 19, 1991. His sister, Mary (Mae) (deceased) married Biagio (Joseph) MESSINEO (Brassi) who died in 1996. There were no children but they raised 4 foster children.
"Click" here for Rice Family Pictures
"Click" here for Grandpa's Family
Lizzie, my gran, married Thomas CORBETT from Newfoundland, Canada in 1913. His parents were Patrick CORBETT from Chapel's Cove, NFLD and Johanna COSTIGAN from Harbour Main, NFLD.